Rewards Structures in after school programs: An interview with Juan RubioI interview Juan Rubio about his experience with and thoughts about the use of badges in after school programs.Oct 9, 2019Oct 9, 2019
Rewards Structures in The Ward Game: An interview with Paul DarvasiThe second interview in a series on the use of rewards in education, this one focuses on Paul Darvasi, and his creative pervasive game.Sep 5, 2019Sep 5, 2019
Reward structures in Gamestar Mechanic: An interview with Scott PriceToday, I’m excited to interview a close colleague and friend, Scott Price on his work with badge systems in Gamestar Mechanic.Mar 12, 2019Mar 12, 2019
Intrinsic Reward Structures in Games and LearningIf you want to know why people get addicted to games, it’s probably this: games are filled with rewards. But what kind of rewards?Feb 22, 2019Feb 22, 2019
Gamification and Education: Core PrinciplesThe gaming industry has done in 30 years what the educational industry hasn’t been able to do in 300, namely make self-sustained learning.Feb 9, 20191Feb 9, 20191